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Our Mission

Our mission is to promote healthy, vibrant Neighborhoods and serve as the first choice for homebuyer resources in Southern Colorado.

With your help we can make a difference.

You'd be surprised what a huge difference your time can make.

News & Events

Valentine’s Day can be more than just romantic love, but true, kind, caring love for your neighbors and those in need. How can you lead a more altruistic life this week?

Black History Month is a time to remember, celebrate and commemorate the achievements and contributions by African-American men and women throughout U.S. history.

It’s true: with a lack of Vitamin D and little time spent outdoors, the winter months can literally make you sad. Luckily, we have some ways to combat seasonal depression.

We are here to help you find the resources available to meet your needs.

Click HERE

Check out our Fiscal Year 2024 Impact numbers!

Our Impact This Year

  • Individuals Served Through Food Initiatives


  • Families Educated


  • Homeowners Created


  • Dollars in Small Business Lending


  • Dollars Invested Into Communities


  • Dollars in Down Payment Assistance


  • Homes Preserved


Thank you to our generous sponsors: